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Sponsor academic scholarships for students who have been impacted financially by unforeseen circumstances
Registration to Energy Conference
Linked logo on Energy Conference webpage and marketing materials
Recognition in press releases
Recognition during Virtual Event
Reserved spot at the 2023 Spring Career Fair
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One year sponsorship of Energy and Green Technologies Lab on the Long Island campus, which includes materials and software for our student’s incubation projects
Registration to Energy Conference
Linked logo on Energy Conference webpage and marketing materials
Recognition in press releases
Recognition during Virtual Event
Reserved spot at the 2023 Spring Career Fair
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Sponsor Student Learning Experiences and Activities such as exhibitions, competitions, association membership, and conference costs for students
Registration to Energy Conference
Linked logo on Energy Conference webpage
Recognition in press releases
Recognition during Virtual Event
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Sponsor laptops, annual software subscriptions, and licenses (engineering programs) and digital equipment
Registration to Energy Conference
Linked logo on Energy Conference webpage
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Please consider making a donation to support our students:
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Energy Conference 2022:
Green Leader Sponsor
Clean Energy Sponsor
Renewables Sponsor
Innovator Sponsor