Saturday, September 21, 2019
9 a.m.
NYIT-Long Island (Old Westbury, N.Y.)
Join us on Saturday, September 21, to support the Benjamin J. Cecil Memorial Scholarship Fund and the students of the New York Institute of Technology Vocational Independence Program at the 9th Annual Benjamin J. Ceceil Walkathon and 5K Fun Run.
Registration begins at 9 a.m. on the Student Activity Center (SAC) Field and is followed by the 5K Walk and Fun Run at 10:00 a.m. Join us immediately following for NYIT's Homecoming which will include a BBQ, food trucks, inflatables, and more!
Benjamin was a freshman student in the NYIT-VIP program when he tragically passed away in November 2010, during his first semester. The Benjamin J. Cecil Memorial Scholarship Fund was created in his memory by NYIT and his family with the intent that more students can benefit from attending the VIP program at NYIT. Over the last nine years, more than 45 VIP students have been recipients of the Benjamin J. Cecil Memorial Scholarship.
The NYIT-VIP program has been a leading post-secondary program for students with learning differences for over 30 years. Serving students with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disabilities, NYIT-VIP is one of the few transition programs in the nation providing the college living experience along with independent living, academic, social, and employment training support. VIP students are provided opportunities to pursue community-based internships, pursue NYIT credit courses or earn an associate's degree, all while benefiting from the support of 4-5 individual coaches supporting them towards their goals.
All participants receive an event t-shirt and admission to the Homecoming BBQ and Food Trucks. There is an additional fee for the beer garden that can be paid day of.
If you are unable to attend but would still like to support the NYIT-VIP program click here.
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9th Annual Benjamin J. Cecil 5K Walk & Fun Run:
General Registration
Alumni, Student, Faculty, & Staff Registration